Herbs for facial skin rejuvenation and wrinkles around the eyes - recipes created by nature!

folk herbs for rejuvenation

For many centuries, people have accumulated experience in herbal treatment. Herbal medicine also gives excellent results in skin care. More and more women are abandoning expensive cosmetics and opting for homemade beauty products, which are made with their own hands only from natural ingredients. Folk herbal remedies for wrinkles are an excellent alternative to beauty procedures in salons and clinics.

Healing effect of herbs

Herbal cosmetics contain most of the minerals, organic acids and other elements necessary for the proper functioning of epithelial tissues.

Cosmetologists have divided herbs into groups, taking into account the type and skin problems. More than 2, 000 varieties of medicinal plants are known to traditional medicine, 20 items are used in home medical cosmetics, among them:

  • nettle, plantain, mint are more suitable for oily skin;
  • thyme, oregano, calendula are best used by women with a dry surface type;
  • parsley, dandelion, celandine have whitening properties;
  • soothe, relieve inflammation will help oak bark, chamomile, calendula or twine;
  • rosemary with sage will eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, wrinkles on the forehead;
  • linden, St. John's wort contribute to the narrowing of pores, tone the epidermis, remove greasy reflections;
  • reviews of kelp for facial rejuvenation - sea grass, praise its unique effect on the skin.
folk remedies for skin rejuvenation

Rules for home use

Infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants can save the skin from many defects and premature aging. In order for the result to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to follow several rules for use at home, as well as to know the features of a particular recipe. To begin with, before applying in practice, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basics of phyto-cosmetology.

Basic recommendations for the use of medicinal plants:

  • There are several ways to use herbs for the face: add them to masks, for daily washing, rubs or lotions, prepare cosmetic ice cream.
  • The first thing to do is to check for an allergic reaction on a small area of the skin of the arm, and only after making sure that it is absent, apply the product to the face.
  • If you have a favorite homemade mask, it is easy to improve it by replacing the liquid component (milk, juice) with a decoction of herbs.
  • herbal ice cubes for rejuvenation
  • After a course of 10-15 herbal masks, you need to take a short break, and then change the composition of the product so that the skin does not "get used to it".
  • If the plants are harvested alone, they cannot even be dried, they can always be used fresh.
  • All decoction recipes are best applied immediately or a few hours after preparation.
  • For storing cosmetic formulations, it is better to use glass or ceramic containers.
  • If there are fresh scratches on the face, acne, inflammation, scars or traces of recent plastic surgery, it is better to postpone the procedure with medicinal herbs.
  • It is possible to keep the harvested plants for two years, in a dry place, inaccessible to the sun.

To withstand any herbal mask on the face, it takes no more than 30 minutes. Because, like all useful plants, they are only biologically active for half an hour.

Regular use of folk beauty recipes will help to achieve excellent results. So, masks for oily skin are best used twice a week, and for dry skin - once. For prevention, it is enough to make a herbal mask once every ten days.

Advantages of medical cosmetics

The contribution of plants to the rejuvenation of the skin is colossal. Many factors contribute to this:

  • natural, environmentally friendly components;
  • deep action of masks, decoctions;
  • wealth, variety of plants allows you to choose the right recipe for any type;
  • slow down aging, intensely moisturize, give elasticity, healthy color, it is possible without fear for the health of the body, avoiding irritation, inflammation;
  • Medicinal herbs are 100% absorbed by cells, unlike cosmetic preparations containing chemical components.


oregano for skin rejuvenation

The second name of this herb for youth is oregano. The plant contains biologically active substances, essential oil, ascorbic acid. Oregano cleanses, refreshes complexion, smoothes wrinkles, relieves inflammation. The plant stimulates the production of collagen, a protein responsible for skin elasticity. Oregano is a good antiseptic, therefore its decoction is used for acne, microcracks or wounds.

Recipes for anti-aging skin:

  1. Pour 10 g of oregano with 400 ml of boiling water, cook in a water bath for 10 minutes. Cool, filter. Use the liquid as thermal water, tonic, cleanser.
  2. In 50 ml of the decoction prepared according to the above recipe, add 5 ml of grape oil and 8 drops of vitamin A. Pour the liquid into ice molds, freeze. Wipe the skin with cubes in the evening.
  3. Pour 5 g of crushed oregano with 100 ml of alcohol. Let the mixture steep for 2 weeks in a dark place. This remedy treats inflammation and acne, enriching antiseptic ointments or tonics. It is not used in its pure form.
  4. Mix 5 ml of oregano infusion (recipe above), 50 ml of chamomile decoction, 4 drops of sandalwood essential oil. Wipe the face with the tonic morning and evening. It relieves inflammation, whitens the skin, strengthens fine blood vessels.

When to use and contraindications

Herbs can be used to combat deficiencies:

  • inflammation, acne;
  • multiple age spots;
  • the formation of new wrinkles;
  • excessive dryness, peeling skin
  • allergic reactions, itching, redness;
  • puffiness, blueness around the eyes;
  • oily sheen, dull color of the epidermis.

There are several contraindications to the use of herbal cosmetics:

  • individual allergy to the drug;
  • diseases associated with the circulatory system, oncology;
  • postoperative condition (presence of fresh wounds).

Herbs for facial wrinkles

The desired effect in fighting the signs of skin aging can be achieved by daily washing with herbal infusions.

In addition, washing can achieve several results at once:

  • cleaning of sweat and sebaceous secretions, dust and dirt particles;
  • eliminate acne, relieve inflammation, shrink pores;
  • tone the skin.

What you need to know about the preparation and use of the tonic for washing:

  • prepare a product on water or alcohol: water tonic is stored for no more than two days, alcohol - up to two weeks;
  • use herbs: chamomile, sage, parsley, celandine; nettle, St. John's wort, green tea;
  • natural vegetable juices - aloe, citrus, cucumber;
  • the tonic does not need to be washed off;
  • use the remedy daily in the evening and in the morning.

Recipes that will restore youth and beauty to the face

Cleansing, replenishing the water balance of cells will help linden tonic. You need 2 tbsp. flowers, pour 250 ml of boiling water, cover the container, strain after half an hour. Wipe the skin morning and evening.

Exclusively for cleansing oily skin, use 1 tbsp. a complex of herbs (flowers of calendula, cornflower, violets) and 1 tbsp. chamomile, which pour boiling water (0. 5 l). The next day, wipe the problem areas with a decoction. The tool will remove impurities, refresh the skin.

A mask of aloe juice and oatmeal will help eliminate wrinkles around the eyes. Mix the ingredients in a 2: 1 ratio, apply the mixture in a thin layer for 10 minutes. Remove the rest with a cotton ball.

Another proven version of the rejuvenating mask is prepared from the porridge of nettle leaves, St. take for 0. 5 l of liquid. Let the product infuse for about 3 hours, crush until homogeneous (if possible), then distribute the mass on cleansed skin. Wash off the residue after half an hour.

To restore a healthy glow, the elasticity of the epidermis will be helped by a peppermint and green tea mask (1 tablespoon of each component). Pour boiling water over the mixture for a while. Then drain the water (can be used as a tonic, ice base), lay the herbs themselves on the surface. After 15 minutes, remove the grout.

If you still do not trust the rejuvenating power of herbs, we recommend that you study the information about pharmaceutical products for the face, perhaps the methods of traditional medicine are more suitable for you.

how to use herbs for rejuvenation


sage for skin rejuvenation

The plant is rich in antioxidants and biologically active substances that smooth wrinkles and eliminate age spots. Sage decoction slows down the aging process, tones, softens and refreshes the skin, regulates the sebaceous glands. Also, the plant helps get rid of acne, acne and rosacea - enlarged capillaries on the face. The herb is suitable for any type of healthy or problematic skin.

Methods of preparation and use:

  1. Decoction for washing. Pour 1. 5 tbsp. sage 1 cup boiling water, then simmer the mixture in a double boiler for 20-30 minutes. Filter the liquid, cool. Wash your face with a decoction in the morning after the main cleansing of the skin.
  2. massage blend. Mix 5 ml of base oil and 2 drops of sage essential oil. Perform active movements of the skin from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the chin and the wings of the nose to the ears, then counterclockwise around the eyelids. On the same lines, do tapping, tapping, pressing.
  3. Cosmetic ice cream for toning. Pour 7 g of sage herb and 1 g of chamomile flowers into 120 ml of hot (not boiling) water. Let the product infuse for 1 hour in an airtight container. Add 3 drops of sage essential oil. Stir, filter. Pour into molds, send to the freezer. Wipe your face with an ice cube along the lines of lymph circulation in the morning and evening.

This is what you need to know when rejuvenating with herbs!

  • Some herbs are allergens. Before using any cosmetic product, conduct a trial test.
  • For cosmetic purposes, use plants purchased in pharmacies (its quality is guaranteed) or harvested in proven and environmentally friendly areas.
  • Study the characteristics, properties of each component, they should be aimed at solving the problem, depending on the type of surface.
  • Prepare decoctions for up to 3 days of use, store pasty mixtures for up to 2 days.
  • To achieve a greater effect, do not forget to include anti-aging foods in your daily diet, perform massages, facial gymnastics.
  • Washing with a decoction after an energy facial massage contributes to the rapid saturation of cells with nutrients, activates processes, including the production of collagen and elastin fibers.
  • Herbal cosmetic ice effectively moisturizes and nourishes epithelial cells. Learn more about making frozen wonder recipes here.


guduchi for rejuvenation

This anti-aging herb is used in Ayurveda, a traditional Indian medicine. Dried roots and stems, loose powder or extract in capsules are suitable for rejuvenation. When ingested, guduchi eliminates toxins, heals the liver, strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism - metabolism. When applied externally, it relieves acne, tones, soothes the skin.

  • Cucumber facial mask - useful properties and step-by-step recipes for cooking at home with a photo
  • purple echinacea
  • Herbs to increase potency in men

Guduchi powder in capsules is sold in Ayurvedic stores. The second name of the plant is giloy. It is taken as directed, usually 1 tablet (0. 5-1g) twice a day with warm water, honey or ghee. Capsule powder is added to masks, scrubs, but ingestion is preferable.

Benefits of cucumber for the skin

Cucumber is a natural nourishing facial serum rich in vitamins. Due to its high water content, cucumber is considered a natural absorbent, moisturizer and reservoir of vitamins (B1, B2, ascorbic acid, K, iodine, sulfur). That is why this powerful ingredient is used in cosmetology. Benefits of cucumber for the skin:

  • has a rejuvenating and regenerating effect;
  • refreshes;
  • improves turgor;
  • positively affects metabolic processes;
  • removes dark circles under the eyes;
  • relieves puffiness;
  • tones;
  • eliminates age spots.
cucumber for rejuvenation

If you need to get rid of dark circles around the eyes, remove age spots, lift your spirits or refresh yourself, you should use cucumber for the face in the form of slices or circles. If the skin of the face is threatened with dehydration, a mask made from grated cucumber or cucumber juice, oatmeal, cottage cheese will always come to the rescue.

How to get rid of the first wrinkles on the face with cosmetics

The market of cosmetics in the modern world is replete with various names, among which the following are most often heard: creams, oils, gels, masks, serums and balms. Each of them has its own mechanism of action. In total, three major groups can be distinguished:

  1. Hyaluronic acid preparations are mainly used to moisturize and are a way to prevent wrinkles. The molecules of these products are so large that they cannot penetrate deep into the dermis, but they can moisturize it well and protect it from dehydration.
  2. Products containing collagen and elastin are excellent for rejuvenation.
  3. Products containing peptides are mainly made up of molecules of amino acids linked to peptides. Each of them has its own structure. In everyday life, they are called "targeted signal peptides", because they can prohibit the transmission of nerve impulses to facial muscles, trigger the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides, collagen, etc. Thanks to the use of such agents, the muscles completely relax. , the collagen fibers are restructured, and the contour firming effect occurs.

How do folk remedies work?

Let's see how the folk remedies used for mimic wrinkles work. Main action:

  • moisturizing. Loss of moisture and excessive dryness are one of the main causes of expression lines. Natural oils, dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits have a moisturizing effect.
  • Nutrition. An extra supply of vitamins, minerals and amino acids maintains healthy skin. Oils, fruits, berries, greens, egg yolk have a nourishing effect.
  • Lifting effect. Over time, the skin not only becomes wrinkled, but also begins to sag. To tighten the skin with folk methods, it is recommended to use egg white, starch, gelatin.
  • Eliminate swelling. Edemas often form under the eyes, to eliminate them, masks based on raw potatoes and parsley are recommended.

Remove wrinkles around lips

Vertical wrinkles around the mouth appear, as a rule, later than other mimic wrinkles. But they make the face look older. Better yet, don't wait for wrinkles to appear, but start making masks prophylactically.


  • With pumpkin seeds.You will need to clean the raw pumpkin seeds and grind them in a blender until smooth. For a tablespoon of crushed seeds, take 10 ml of castor oil and almond oil. Rub everything. Apply a thick layer to the lip contour for half an hour.
  • Starch.You will need dry potato starch or cornstarch. A tablespoon of this product will need to be mixed with vegetable oil. It is best to take flaxseed, but you can use any other unrefined seed. To make it easier to mix the cornstarch with the oil, literally pour it drop by drop, stirring well. The result should be a thick, toothpaste-like mixture. Apply the prepared "paste" to the area around the lips for half an hour.
  • With sauerkraut.You need to grind the cabbage in a blender until a homogeneous puree is obtained. Add a teaspoon of unrefined vegetable oil to a tablespoon of mashed cabbage. Spread the resulting mass on the problem area for twenty minutes.
  • With peas.Two types of masks are prepared from peas. For the first option, dry peas are used, for the second, fresh or freshly frozen green peas are used. The first version of the mask is prepared as follows: grind dried peas in a coffee grinder to flour. Pour a spoonful of the resulting product with a small amount of hot milk to form a thick mass. Introduce 5 ml of cosmetic oil (any) into the cooled mass. Apply the mixture for a quarter of an hour. The second version of the mask is prepared even easier. Grind fresh peas into a puree and mix with heavy sour cream in a one-to-one ratio. If a freshly frozen product is used, it must be thawed. Canned green peas cannot be used to prepare a rejuvenating mask.
  • rejuvenation mask recipes
  • Apple.For the preparation of this composition, a fresh apple is used. It must be peeled and grated on a fine grater. On a tablespoon of applesauce, take a teaspoon of liquid honey, grind. Apply for twenty minutes.
  • Cottage cheese.For this composition, you need fresh cottage cheese, ideally homemade. Mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese with a tablespoon of freshly prepared carrot juice. If the cottage cheese was dry and the mass turned out to be thick, add a little kefir or sour cream. Apply the mixture to the skin around the lips for thirty minutes.

Face masks

banana yogurt

rejuvenating banana mask

The composition includes: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of plain yogurt, 2 teaspoons of mashed banana, half a teaspoon of honey or olive oil.

Mix all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass and apply for 15-20 minutes on the face. Remove the mask with cosmetic wipes and rinse off residue with water.

With chickpea flour

chickpea flour mask for rejuvenation

You will need: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chickpea flour, 100 g of water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil, half a teaspoon of an oily solution of vitamin E, 1 yolk.

How beauty salons offer to get rid of mimic wrinkles

Modern cosmetology offers us new techniques. Some of the anti-aging methods can be found in almost every salon. Below is a list of the most common:

Laser resurfacing.

The object of influence is not the eyes and the area around them, but directly the cheekbone area. All manipulations are carried out along their line. And yet, grinding is considered the best among all available methods. But this operation has an overall drawback: it unfortunately seriously injures the skin. For a qualitative result, it is necessary to carry out this intervention in a good salon on reliable equipment. From the above, we can conclude that it is not worth considering such grinding as the best option.

Chemical peel

also performed along the cheekbones. True, there is a caveat here: this operation is absolutely individual. And only a qualified specialist can do this.


Stimulates cells to regenerate faster by exposing them to pulsed light flashes. Collagen and elastin also begin to be produced more productively. The effectiveness is obvious - the tone is evened out and wrinkles are smoothed.


The basis of this procedure is the introduction of products containing hyaluronic acid into the subcutaneous space, which helps to get rid of wrinkles and helps to forget about their existence for some time.

One thing unites all the proposed methods - a visible result in a short time. But each has its own strengths and weaknesses. The main drawback, perhaps, can be considered their high cost. And given that a whole course is needed, such a rejuvenation can greatly affect the family budget.

Reasons for the appearance

Since the face is the most exposed part of the body, the skin in this area is daily exposed to negative influences. Therefore, even in people who are limited in the manifestation of feelings, the appearance of facial wrinkles is inevitable. Initially, a discreet mesh appears, then the wrinkles deepen.

causes of wrinkles

The causes of facial wrinkles can be divided into internal and external. Forinternal factorscan be assigned:

  • Physiological aging. This process is natural and inevitable.
  • Assetfacial expressions. This factor can be controlled. Of course, it's impossible not to use facial expressions at all, but the habit of wrinkling your forehead or squinting your eyes should be unlearned.
  • Strong weight loss.It is advisable to control body weight and try to avoid sudden weight gain.
  • Bad habits. It is well known that smokers develop wrinkles earlier.

External factors:

  • Impactenvironment. Many factors negatively affect the condition of the skin - wind, poor water quality, polluted and too dry air, frost, ultraviolet.
  • Climatic characteristics. Living in places that are too hot or too cold increases the risk of early wrinkles.

To reduce the negative impact of external factors, you should try to protect your skin. Use creams with an ultraviolet filter, protect the skin from frost and wind.

Fish oil - natural nourishment for the skin of the face

Fish oil is an indispensable folk remedy. It helps improve appearance and enrichment with a full set of vitamins, rich in fish oil. It is used not only for the preparation of masks, but also for internal use, thanks to which all toxins and toxins that cause acne are removed from the body. Fish oil for the face and its benefits:

  • suitable for all skin types;
  • an ideal component for young girls and women of age;
  • effectively smoothes wrinkles;
  • nourishes the skin of the face;
  • helps improve appearance;
  • normalizes hormonal levels and metabolic processes;
  • tones.
fish oil for rejuvenation

A popular mask recipe is prepared on the basis of capsular fish oil, for this it is enough to arm yourself with a syringe and completely squeeze out the contents of the capsule, then apply a thin layer of fat to theproblem areas (forehead, chin, eyes).

Otherwise, how can you fight wrinkles: effective ways to get rid and smooth the skin of the face

Use milk not only as a component of various cosmetics, but also for washing. Of course, this applies to natural, not powdered, village milk. Dilute the milk with warm water in equal proportions and wash your face. Then remove excess fluid from the face and apply a nourishing cream. This procedure must be carried out at night.

In addition to creams, masks, scrubs, use various herbal infusions and decoctions (chamomile, parsley, bay leaf) to wash yourself. You can also make ice with these decoctions and wipe your face with them.

using ice for rejuvenation

To fight wrinkles, it is not enough to use only external means. Healthy and youthful skin depends on many factors.

  • Drink enough water (at least two liters a day). As we said, skin aging begins when it begins to lose moisture. But moisture is necessary not only for the skin, but also for all internal organs. Also, if there is not enough fluid for the kidneys, liver, heart, etc. - more important objects from the point of view of the body - then this liquid will first be taken from the skin. Therefore, we repeat: drink more fluid, let it be enough for everyone, don't force your body to choose who needs it most.
  • Eat well. Your diet should be balanced.
  • Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep mainly affects the face. Sleep in a cool room with fresh air.
  • Tobacco and alcohol also make you age faster.
  • Get outdoors more, lead an active life (and don't forget to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun, wind, heat and frost).

All these simple rules will help you keep your skin young for a long time.